Higher mental functioning decays, ultimately leaving the victim a gibbering animal. Long-term physical effects of the manipulation are unsustainable. Should a Reaper subvert a well-placed political or military leader, the resulting chaos can bring down nations. A Reaper's "suggestions" can manipulate victims into betraying friends, trusting enemies, or viewing the Reaper itself with superstitious awe. Indoctrination can create perfect deep cover agents. Ultimately, the Reaper gains the ability to use the victim's body to amplify its signals, manifesting as "alien" voices in the mind. As time passes, they have feelings of "being watched" and hallucinations of "ghostly" presences. Organics undergoing indoctrination may complain of headaches and buzzing or ringing in their ears.

The Reaper's resulting control over the limbic system leaves the victim highly susceptible to its suggestions.

Reaper " indoctrination" is an insidious means of corrupting organic minds, "reprogramming" the brain through physical and psychological conditioning using electromagnetic fields, infrasonic and ultrasonic noise, and other subliminal methods.